drop table t1 purge;
create table t1 as select * from emp;
update t1
set sal = sal + 1000, comm = nvl(comm, 0) + 100
where deptno=30;
- 서브쿼리를 이용한 update
update t1
set (sal, comm) = (sal + 100, nvl(comm, 0) + 10)
where deptno = 10;
set (sal, comm) = (sal + 100, nvl(comm, 0) + 10)
ERROR at line 2:
ORA-01767: UPDATE ... SET expression must be a subquery
↓ ↓ ↓
update t1
set (sal, comm) = (select sal, comm from emp where ename = 'ALLEN')
where deptno = 10;
* implicit query --> http://goo.gl/QPFrI
: is a component of a DML statement that retrieves data without using a subquery.
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